Comment 2 for bug 798915

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Alan Jenkins (aj504) wrote :

The "two cursors" thing is completely intentional. It's difficult to guess whether you're being affected by a bug, or if you're just struggling with the controls...

The smaller, normal-looking cursor is the "system pointer". It works just as if there was no magnifier, and you were using the screen normally. This can be confusing, because there _is_ a magnifier :-). But it is also useful. It means you can see when the cursor is at the top of the screen / the bottom of the screen / the exact middle, etc.

The larger cursor is the one that actually works. When you move it over a control (e.g. in the settings dialog), you should see the control highlight in the normal way, and it should respond to mouse clicks as normal.

If you can get it working, but the "system pointer" is more confusing than helpful for you, you can disable the system pointer by clicking "hide system pointer" in the preferences dialog.

One bug I noticed on my system is that the window titles don't seem to be drawn at all; I just see blackness. And the cursor that actually works looks horrible; it's very hard to see because it's all dots. It's as if pixels in the original cursor have been kept the same size and just spread out a bit.