Comment 11 for bug 874120

Revision history for this message
In , dfavro (dfavro-redhat-bugs) wrote :

Description of problem:
The Online Accounts control centre applet doesn't seem to set up credentials. They're added and authorized, but Evolution can't access them and subsequent attempts to re-authorize them result in "Credentials Expired" in Online accounts.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
fc16 as of 2011/11/3
gnome-online-accounts 3.2.1 Release 2.fc16

How reproducible:
Consistently reproducible

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Online accounts
2. Add an account of type Google
3. Enter credentials into Google's Sign-in page (tested with an account)
4. Account is authorized sucessfully
5. Allow the use of mail, calendar...etc (all options)
6. Open Evolution

Actual results:
  Evolution returns:
"The reported error was "GDBus.Error:org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Error.NotAuthorized: Credentials not found in keyring (goa-error-quark, 0): Failed to retrieve credentials from the keyring: Error communicating with gnome-keyring-daemon"."

  Online accounts is now stuck on "Expired Credentials. Please log in again". Attempts to re-log in do not change this status; the account has to be deleted, at which point the same behaviour can be reproduced

Expected results:
Evolution should access Google account as required.

Additional info:
LaunchPad has an entry for what looks like this same bug: