Comment 2 for bug 78375

Revision history for this message
Florent Mertens (givre) wrote :

For the record, here is a like to the ntfs-3g manual :
and to the ntfsmount manual :

After some test more test, it appears that uid change is not allowed for non root user, even with removable device. This is only allowed for vfat, iso9660 and udf :

hal- : line 724
" /* don't consider uid= on vfat, iso9660, udf change-uid for the purpose of policy
   * (since these doesn't contain uid/gid bits)
  if (strcmp (libhal_volume_get_fstype (volume), "vfat") != 0 &&
      strcmp (libhal_volume_get_fstype (volume), "iso9660") != 0 &&
      strcmp (libhal_volume_get_fstype (volume), "udf") != 0) {
   pol_change_uid = wants_to_change_uid;"

if we want to use uid= for ntfs-fuse and/or ntfs-3g we should add ntfs to that list. That make sense since ntfs don't contain uid/gid bits.

An other possibility could be to mount them with umask=0 and without uid=.