Comment 2 for bug 164684

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YrlInpMbPiwZDMZN (some-fancy-name) wrote :

ok, so here's a more sophisticated bug report for those who missed informations in the first one..

how to reproduce the problem efficiently: locate function
   int RollDie(void)
in file
modify it to return '1' instead of random numbers 1..6 (aka both player and computer will roll nothing but '1's)
int RollDie (void) {
   // return ((rand () % 6) + 1);
   return 1;

Compile/run and see the results. For the screenshot in the attachment I played 5 rounds (of course rolling '1's only..). The computer players cheated (as described in my original posting) and scored 5 times 50 points (=250) for '5 of a kind [50]' each - disrespecting the rules:

   "You can only use each combination once[..]" (from: gtali/help/C/gtali.xml aka 'help')

 As described in my original posting this also happens in 'real play' when the computer players roll '5 of a kind' more than once in a game.

By the way: The player cannot re-use the same combination/cheat (conforming to the rules), only the computer players do.

Have fun hunting down the bug.

some software developer