Comment 0 for bug 1891681

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Dmitry Golik (wormball) wrote :


I updated from 18.04 to 20.04 and since then unable to disable lock screen, despite it was disabled in 18.04. Corresponding setting in the gui does not take effect, so does gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false or xset s off. I also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 (the setting was sddm, and i changed it to gdm3) with the same effect.

After suspension i get picture with purple fossa and password field, in which i can not change keyboard layout with keyboard, but only with mouse. My session is gnome-flashback (3.36.3-0ubuntu1) metacity (1:3.36.1-1). The lock screen does not appear after screensaver (i use xscreensaver).

However once this lock screen stopped to appear, but at the same time the system started to enter suspend mode randomly and quite often. After rebooting the lock screens came back.

Also the sound volume is set to "mute" sometimes after suspend.

journalctl -xe starting at the beginning of suspension (unfortunately it is in part in russian) in the attached file.

I asked this on askubuntu and was advised to file a bug here.

Thanks in advance.