Comment 29 for bug 862161

Revision history for this message
dava4444 (dava4444) wrote :

Unity 3D, the icon in the top panel shows an empty wifi symbol, and my name indicator is missing. i dont have wifi on this desktop, and praise the Lord, the ethernet is still working. I checked the network settings and no ethernet is listed, but im online just now. i did the update today then logged out to check i/we have the cool new log in screen (WOW amazing login) and we i came back in.... this crash. this is on my HP Tuxbox, my lappy has a diffrent login.. the Gnome3 i think which i don't like, this one is muuuuch better :)

any chance of Canonical having a feedback form built into Betas in future? for opinions on looks? i just wanna give a lot of encouragement and Kudos to the Devs :D and of course design suggestions/ideas for free lol :D