Comment 39 for bug 41427

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Michael-cognacc (michael-cognacc) wrote :

I also ran in to this usability bug.
Which was very annoying, i as other didnt see any window popup before it was activated.
I lost about 1 hour of work time just before a deadline. Because there was no clue
that slow keys was enabled. I also tried reinstalling Xorg, an many other workarounds
before accidently finding this thread / bugreport.
So many other people must have lost time, and being confused and done stuff that could potentaially have damaged their systems.

Also i use openbox, (but tested out gnome) and therefore couldnt follow the menu1 - menu2 - menuetc.
Hints some users have come up with.

I also experienced earlier that this dialog appeared and i pressed cancel or escape, and i still got
slow keys. i couldnt repeat that before.

Funny note: ive experienced, similarly on windows xp.
were it turned on slow keys even though i answered no.
Is the accesibility feature copied, functionality wise from there?

So here is a work around for nearly all wm / Desktop managers users (KDE also?)

I was unable to turn off slow-keys in gconf-editor, but I have figured out another way.

Go to: System->Preferences->Keyboard

at the bottom of the dialog box between Help and Close is "Accessibility..."

press Accessibility

The "Keyboard Accessibility Preferences" window opens. Un-check "Enable keyboard accessibility features" at the top of the box.

That's it. I haven't had the "Slow Keys" dialog question come back


I still miss some feedback from developers on this, since its very hard to understand why this feature
is implemented like it is?
