Comment 0 for bug 1969619

Revision history for this message
Jeremy BĂ­cha (jbicha) wrote :

1. From the Ubuntu 22.04 live session (or a clean install), Open the Settings app.
2. Open the Sharing page. It looks like Remote Desktop sharing is turned on.

On further investigation, it is not actually on.

More details
This issue affects both the live session and the initial install. (Probably would show up for any new user.)

1. Before opening the Settings app, the gnome-remote-desktop service is running. I think this is expected.

$ systemctl status --user gnome-remote-desktop.service
\u25cf gnome-remote-desktop.service - GNOME Remote Desktop
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/gnome-remote-desktop.service; enable>
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-20 08:07:44 EDT; 17s ago
   Main PID: 1611 (gnome-remote-de)
      Tasks: 4 (limit: 4603)
     Memory: 13.8M
        CPU: 66ms
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/gnome-remo>
             \u2514\u25001611 /usr/libexec/gnome-remote-desktop-daemon

Apr 20 08:07:44 ubuntu2204 systemd[1483]: Starting GNOME Remote Desktop...
Apr 20 08:07:44 ubuntu2204 gnome-remote-desktop-daemon[1611]: libEGL warning: pci id for fd 9: 1b36:0100, driver (null)
Apr 20 08:07:44 ubuntu2204 systemd[1483]: Started GNOME Remote Desktop.

Also, the RDP enable gsettings key is turned off.

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.rdp enable

2. When I open the Sharing page,
The gsettings key turns to true

and systemctl shows me an error where it tried to enable RDP
Apr 20 08:12:50 ubuntu2204 gnome-remote-de[1611]: RDP TLS certificate and key not configured properly

3. So then I open Remote Desktop Sharing and turn it off then on and then systemctl shows me that is working correctly.

Apr 20 08:14:32 ubuntu2204 systemd[1483]: Starting GNOME Remote Desktop...
Apr 20 08:14:32 ubuntu2204 gnome-remote-desktop-daemon[2801]: libEGL warning: p>
Apr 20 08:14:32 ubuntu2204 systemd[1483]: Started GNOME Remote Desktop.
Apr 20 08:14:32 ubuntu2204 gnome-remote-de[2801]: RDP server started

Note in particular the final line: "RDP server started". That tells us whether RDP is running or not. There would be a similar line for VNC. This line didn't show in the initial state in step 1.

What should happen
The Sharing master witch should be off by default.

Remote Desktop should show off by default and should not attempt to turn on just by opening the Sharing page.

Guesses and Further Investigation Needed
Is there a gsettings key for the master sharing on/off switch?

I think there may have been a logic bug when the RDP sharings were backported from gnome-control-center 42. This code was originally in gtk4 so some rewriting was necessary.

I didn't see this issue in a Fedora 36 Beta instance. Sharing showed off by default.

Also, we did add this patch:
I think that patch is necessary but maybe that changed what gnome-control-center was expecting to see.