Comment 1 for bug 1839544

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Bill Turner, wb4alm (wb4alm) wrote :

This should be a very simple thing to fix. And if I knew "C" I would fix it myself.
but I don't, my knowledge base is in many other computer programming languages that date all the way back to the 1960's. While I still program computers, now-a-days they are primarily a tool to be used in solving other problems...

In my opinion, the best long term fix would be to provide a "[ ] other" box with a way to allow entering the actual idle time desired -- then a user can set it to what ever their circumstances dictates.

unfortunately, The concept of "keyboard idle" is not necessarily the best indication of an "unattended terminal". and the futuristic concept of tracking eyeball movements to see if anybody is actually looking at the screen, would probably not be acceptable to most humans.

"15 min" of no keyboard/mouse movement is too short a time period, especially when the screen is being used to display reference material.

"never" is too long, especially when you need to keep user specific background processes running - or I would simply logoff and log back on later.

(One would hope that the user selectable "idle time" values are being translated internally to some form of seconds or minutes, and that they are not simply used to set a series of "bit switches", thus my suggestion to provide a text entry box.)

I would also like to suggest that most folks use a computer to solve real world problems, and that computers exist primarily as a tool to be used, and not just as just programming exercises....

Thank you.
<soap box off>