Comment 0 for bug 1301404

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Luca Borrione (luca.borrione) wrote : cannot use username containing dot in ubuntu 13.10 64bit

It happened to me to try to create a username containing a dot such as name.surname on ubuntu 13.10

According to the "Users and Groups" tool (gnome-system-tool):
Username must consists of:
> lower case letters from the English alphabet
> digits
> any of the characters ".", "-" and "_"

but trying to add a username like name.surname using that tool you will get an error window saying:
"The configuration could not be saved"
"an unknown error occurred"

Opening a terminal and typing
sudo useradd name.username
sudo passwd name.username

actually seems to work, but then the brand new user results to be completely unusable:

- switching user selecting the new user from the top-right ubuntu icon on the top bar will lead to have a black screen

- hard rebooting and trying to select the new user will lead to be trapped in a loop: you insert the password onto the login tool, it seems to be loading the new user while after a while it gives again the login tool window and you can keep on inserting the password forever. At this point selecting a different user previously created without a dot will work as normal instead.

uname -a
Linux ubook- 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux