Comment 41 for bug 1224732

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Martin Spacek (mspacek) wrote : Re: Custom & default keyboard shortcuts don't work

"Notice that I reported this bug against Unity/GNOME 3 not against Xfce4. Unless you can prove that the bugs are coming from the same /common/ code (shared by both projects), it would be nicer if you reported a new bug against Xfce4."

@Edwin, yes, I noticed. You filed this bug against gnome-control-center. I might ask the same of you, to prove that these system keybinding issues are indeed due to that package, and not some other, perhaps lower level, package. Given the very similar symptoms we're seeing (or have seen), and given that not a single dev has yet to chime in, which package to file this against is anyone's guess right now. Why not pool our reasonable guesses together in one place, so that the issue gets more attention?

"IIRC, last time a used Trusty/Utopic the original bug wasn't present and I've never had any problem with the default shortcuts (either on Unity or Xfce4). And for that matter, I've never had problems with Xfce4 custom keyboard shortcuts. So please, report a new bug against Xfce4 if it haven't been filed before."

So because you were the first to report this bug, you own it, and decide what is and isn't relevant, despite (apparently) not being a developer? Race conditions are a vicious sort of randomness. For some people, a race condition bug may never show up. For others, all the time. And for others still, only once in a while, all dependent on how the stars align on your system. You may have been in 2nd group, and then later in the 1st, while I'm in the 3rd, yet we could all easily still be subject to the same bug. You're making hasty conclusions about a complex system that no one here knows enough about.

As James Cameron wrote in #28:

"I fixed it by delaying the xmodmap by two seconds. I speculate that the X server initialisation of keyboard mapping changed in a way to introduce a race condition, and so setting the keyboard mapping later worked around the race."

So, perhaps we should add X to the packages affected.