Comment 28 for bug 144431

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Adam Conrad (adconrad) wrote :

Your argument seems to be that if there's a "publicly available web address", we should support resolving that, no matter what, right? I could set up a publicly available website at "[wow-square-brackets]" today. Would that mean every OS that doesn't resolve square-bracket-hostnames is now buggy? Or should someone tell me to stop being silly and not do that?

You're welcome to take this argument back upstream to the bug there. If they are convinced, fine. But I won't carry a distro patch for this, and I would prefer that people who care deeply about this tell tumblr and deviantart that they're breaking spec, rather than telling me that I should care about their spec abuse.

When someone blatantly violates rfc822 or 2822 and postfix/exim/sendmail reject those emails, do you file that as a bug too?