Comment 8 for bug 594674

Revision history for this message
MestreLion (mestrelion) wrote :

My 2 cents for this issue:

- It also happens with tmpfs mounts. I have "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0" in my /etc/fstab and nautilus also trash files there just fine (creating and moving to /tmp/.Trash-1000), but fails to add that particular trash to the "global" list of trash://. So this is not only a problem with mount --bind

- trash-cli package (a very handy softaware that manages trashcan) correctly list all such trashes (both mount --bind and tmpsf), regardless if files were deleted via nautilus or via trash-put command. So nautilus bug is not about trashing these files, it does this correctly, it's only about listing all available trashcans (one from each filesystem)

Hope this helps narrowing the problem down