Comment 26 for bug 192629

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Mat (freude-schoner-gotterfunken) wrote : Re: [Bug 192629] Re: "Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately?" on NTFS / VFAT partitions

That uid=1000 means "this partition is propriety of the first user.
So, if you have two users, the first one can surely trash, the second...
in some cases can't!
This is idiot.
The partition should be propriety of super-user, and trash should be
possible for all users.
I've been repeating this for a year.

godmarck ha scritto:
> Hi, I'm pretty new to Ubuntu/Linux, but I think I'm pretty much getting the idea of all this,I've already made my transition from windoze to Linux and I'm pretty sure I'm not going back to the windoze pain.
> I got my solution by adding to my fstab the "uid=1000" part, now I can happily trash files.
> But I just don't get something, this "uid=1000" is like an option or something??
> I know UID means User ID (probably) and that the "1000" is the first user's ID number...
> But what does it exactly do? look at my fstab
> /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 ntfs-3g rw,user=godmarck,uid=1000,defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
> Wasn't that part covered by the "user=godmarck" already? or that is to allow me to rw??
> I'm pretty sure I've got some things there that are not needed at all.
> I'm not sure if this is the place to ask about this, but I'd appreciate any help.