Comment 2 for bug 773295

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matsonfamily (david-matsonfamily) wrote :

I'm running Lubuntu 11.04 x64, fresh install, and I have this issue. I note that my applications in the menu [that need privileges] have a gksu, and changing them to gksudo makes them launch just fine. It's just when I launch apps with gksu that it happens. Changing the application menu entries to use gksudo is not really the fix, though, for if I install a new app with privileges or if I reinstall something like Synaptic, they'll be back to gksu. I've ran $gksudo gksu-properties , and it showed that su was being used, so changed to sudo and rebooted, with no luck. Is this a policy-kit issue? I just mention that because I note that when I run an app with gksudo it comes up with a window asking for *my* passwd and gives a little plus-sign with a polkit entry, but when running apps in my main menu (and those run with gksu, as I said earlier), those come up with a slightly different auth window that asks for the "administrative password", and asks if you want to remember it for the session, or forever in the keyring. As a side note, I installed with the Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Alternate CD, changed the mode to command-line only (forgot the wording), and installed a minimal Ubuntu desktop, then after the install did a $sudo aptitude install lubuntu-desktop , to get Lubuntu.