Comment 8 for bug 47388

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Christophe Charlot (c-charlot) wrote :

Thanks for taking care of this bug which is annoying me so much ;-)

I'll try to sum-up everything I can tell you about this bug so far :

- I DO NOT have an explicit root password, I always use sudo from my main account (userA), which is the only sudoer in the system.

- This bug happened after an upgrade from breezy, and I had almost the same problem when upgrading from hoary to breezy. The problem disappeared when I made a fresh clean install of breezy.
- I do not know if this bug appears with a clean install of Dapper.

- In a standard Gnome session as userA, if I try to launch "id" as "userB" in a terminal : gksuexec -> id and choose userB
 - if I use userB password it's not working :
   sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt"
 - if I use userA password it's working !! :
   "uid=1001(userB) gid=1001(userB) groupes=4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),105(scanner),1001(userB)"

- BUT in a standard Gnome session with userA, if I try to launch "firefox"(or any 'graphical' program) as "userB" :
 - still not working with userB password.
 - with userA password now it's not working :
  "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
  Xlib: No protocol specified
  (firefox-bin:2436): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"

- Now I start a standard Gnome session as "userB" and start "id" as "userA" :
 - with "userA" password it's not working :
   sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt"
 - with "userB" password : I get a message that "userB" is not a sudoer and cannot do this, error will be reported...

- Now I start an XGL/Compiz session :

 - userA gksuexec 'id' & 'userB' -> working WITHOUT being asked for a password !!!!!
 - userA gksuexec 'firefox' & 'userB' -> same result !!!

 - If I launch gksuexec from the drop-down menu (start as another user), I'm asked for the password, and I get the same results than in a standard gnome session, except that I CAN start 'graphicals' programs.

I do not understand much what is happening, but the only thing I am sure of, is that it's not working as it should ;-)

I hope everything in here will help you. I can do any other test if you want, no problem :-)