Comment 3 for bug 10479

Revision history for this message
Jeroen (jeroenubuntu) wrote :

I would really like it if gksudo proposed to enter the password again. What
happens now is:

* Open Synaptic
* wait 3 seconds and 39 milliseconds* before the screen gets all dark and the
gksudo dialog pops up (in Breezy this happens, not in Hoary)
* Enter password
* Wait 4 secsonds and 81 milliseconds*
* Get told you mistyped your password
* Repeat procedure

Which is not user-friendly at all. What should happen is:

* Open Synaptic
* gksudo dialog appears
* enter password
* When correct: Synaptic is launched
* When incorrect: gksudo shows 'incorrect', and allow you to enter your password

* Yes, I measured it with a stopwatch. And it takes long, way too long for an
AMD 64 2800+ system with 512 MB RAM.