Comment 24 for bug 1714989

Revision history for this message
Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) (3v1n0) wrote : Re: gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() from st_label_set_text() (dash-to-panel specific?)

Ok, actually that's not needed...

Just use this:
  sudo gdb -p $(pidof gnome-shell) -batch \
  -ex "set logging on" -ex continue \
  -ex "bt full" -ex "call gjs_dumpstack()" \
  -ex quit

This could be run from your session too and should not freeze anything.

When you get a crash, just attach here the gdb.txt file that this should generate (saved in the directory where you launch this script from) and the content of

  journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell