Comment 0 for bug 1767

Revision history for this message
Sean Champ (schamp) wrote :

I was looking over the ijsgimpprint packages in Debian, tonight, when I noticed that there's been a change in package names (as well as a minor-version upgrade).

( original package name -> new package name )

1) ijsgimpprint -> ijsgutenprint;

2) foomatic-db-gimp-print -> foomatic-db-gutenprint

3) gimpprint-locales -> gutenprint-locales

4) gimpprint-doc -> gutenprint-doc

In Debian, each older package is now depending on the newer package, so upgrades should go fine for it.

The issue that I hope to bring to attention that none of the gutenprint packages are available in Ubuntu, presently.

Gimpprint->Gutenprint has been a pretty important part of the Linux printer config, on probably not a few systems. So, I thought that I should bring this to attention, in order that the gutenprint packages might be made available in the next Ubuntu release.