Comment 0 for bug 288570

Revision history for this message
Saivann Carignan (oxmosys) wrote : Cups eats all hard drive space and print errors when using photo quality

When trying to print a PNG/JPG from GIMP or EOG with Photo quality with a HP printer on Intrepid, the hard drive suddenly starts to work very strong during many minutes and all available space disappear until there's no free space left (it ate 4.0 Gb in my case, this is all free space I have) . Once there is no free space, hplip says that the print job completed successfully and the printer prints a single page that contains this text :

Error : /ioerror in --run--
  Operand stack:
     --nostringval-- --dict:7/16(L) --

At this point, the computer does not have any space left on the hard drive. If you want to get back any space, you have to delete /var/spool/cups/* and /tmp/gs* .

The printer status become : /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed
This line appears in syslogs each time I reproduce the bug : hpijs: warning setting paper size=0. err=-30

I reproduced this bug with two different HP printers on three different computers under intrepid, including one that was freshly installed and updated without any changes in the configuration. This bug is not reproducible in Hardy.

Workaround : This bug is not reproducible when printing with evince or openoffice, so printing PDF is not a problem!

Steps to reproduce :

1. Before all, have a HP printer and a computer installed with a updated intrepid system.
2. Open any PNG picture you want (or a .jpg from /usr/share/backgrounds).
3. Click on File / Print..
4. Select your HP printer.
5. Click on "Advanced" tab and select "Photo" for the "printout mode".
6. Click the print button.

Result : In a few seconds, there will not be any space available on your hard drive, and your printer will print a error page.