Comment 2 for bug 660485

Revision history for this message
PaulN (paulne) wrote :

For those as confused as me with gforge-db-postgresql install issues, the file in question is:


search for pg_name

More specifically open a terminal and go:

suodo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/gforge-db-postgresql.postinst

or your favourite editor

around line 101 you should see:

 # Make sure the database accepts connections from these new users
 invoke-rc.d ${pg_name} reload

change this to:

 # Make sure the database accepts connections from these new users
 #invoke-rc.d ${pg_name} reload
 invoke-rc.d postgresql reload

and save the file

then re-install the package: gforge-db-postgresql
using your favourite method. For example:

sudo apt-get install gforge-db-postgresql

May it work for you,

Paul N