Comment 4 for bug 1128100

Revision history for this message
Edward Donovan (edward.donovan) wrote :

Hi John, thanks for the report. You've found a bug that's also been reported at bug 1027584. It's fixed in newer release of Ubuntu. Looking at that page, I'm not quite sure if or when it'd going to get into Precise. But you can fix it on your machine pretty easily.

Those menu items, called quicklists in Unity, are defined in


which belongs to gedit. Here's the relevant text from that file, on my machine:

[Desktop Action Window]
Name=Open a New Window
Exec=gedit --new-window

[Desktop Action Document]
Name=Open a New Document
Exec=gedit --new-document

In the 12.04 version, it's "gedit --new-window" in both cases, instead of "gedit --new-document" where it should be.

Until you get the fix, by update or upgrade, you can override the system gedit.desktop file, with one for your user account, as ~/.local/share/applications/gedit.desktop. You can copy the system one there, then edit it.

You'll probably want to keep an eye for the eventual update, and remove your local gedit.desktop, when it comes, or, if you have more changes you want to keep there, at least keep an eye for changes in the system one.

And I'm gonna mark this bug as a duplicate of bug 1027584. I'll subscribe to this, so you can keep posting here, if you want some more help with a workaround, or on the main bug if you have more general questions.

Hope this helps some. :)

Ubuntu Bug Squad volunteer triager