Comment 0 for bug 1808125

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rtimai (rtimai) wrote : [WORKAROUND] Ubuntu 18.10 boot hangs with INTEL GRAPHICS at msg "Starting bpfilter"

This is not a question, but I found no thread to report this bug and workaround on NON-NVIDIA-BASED systems:

Ubuntu 18.10, kernel 4.18.0-12-generic, GNOME Shell 3.30.1 on X11, after a Dec 9 update:

Boot hangs at message, "Starting bpfilter." Gnome Display Manager (login) fails to start. No keyboard response, tapping the power button just once immediately initiates power-down. Other users have reported successfully fixing this by removing nVidia drivers or disabling Wayland in GDM3 (uncommenting WaylandEnable=false in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf.)

However, my HP laptop runs Intel graphics, and has no nVidia drivers installed.

I selected Enable Networking in Recovery Mode, then Drop to Shell Prompt (root,) and ran

 apt update && apt install slim

to install SLiM display manager. the installation prompted me to choose SLiM or GDM as the default, I chose SLiM, and was able to login finally (after rebooting 50+ times.)

If you already have an alternate display manager installed, you can switch with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and select the alt dm.

This will probably be just a provisional workaround for the "bpfilter hang" on non-nVidia systems if all the other suggested solutions didn't work for you. BTW, I also tried LightDM a former Ubuntu DM, but got the identical bootup hang.