Comment 12 for bug 1723025

Revision history for this message
Michael DeFrancesco (mikeymop) wrote :

Hello, I am not the original bug reporter, but I wanted to follow up with you and let you know that I do still experience this issue on 18.04.

The last time I tested was Thanksgiving when I as home from Uni with my home machine. I have my television plugged into my gtx780 via a dp - hdmi converter and my monitor plugged into the native hdmi port on the card.

I did disable my nvidia card in the bios and plug into my Intel iGPU from my motherboard header and still experienced the issue so I hope that is applicable enough for you to consider this to still be a valid bug report.

When I first login my lock screen appears on the television which is not always on. On my main monitor I see the purple ubuntu background that replaces the black on gdm. I can hit enter, type password, hit enter and the desktop will read the default setting and appear on my monitor properly.

I dont believe GDM is reading the primary monitor setting that gsettings applies when you set it in the GUI. I'm not sure if thats possible to detect when a user is not logged in but following the mouse also sounds like a great Idea.