Comment 38 for bug 1720250

Revision history for this message
Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) wrote :

On 2023-03-14 09:09, Tigran Aivazian wrote:
> So, you are saying that with this version I don't need the file
> /etc/profile.d/ and can simply remove it?

No. I said that you can do that if you are on an Ubuntu version > 20.04. Given the version you actually are on, instead I would suggest that you reinstall im-config:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall im-config

That's because the error message indicates that the installation of im-config is not complete. Maybe you tried to partly uninstall it.

"E: Script for none not found at run_im."

Well, "script for none" should be there:

$ ls -1 /usr/share/im-config/data | grep none

and a reinstall ought to restore those files.

Or you can keep your return at the top of the file. That won't hurt if you don't use any input method.

> The im-config package could not be removed without removing
> gnome-control-center

That's true, and the reason is that language-selector-gnome depends on im-config. I should probably relax that to a recommends.

> except the strange fact that this file was not removed when im-config
> was updated during the normal "sudo apt update" procedure at some point

Not strange at all, actually, since you are on bionic.