Comment 15 for bug 1566357

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Maxim Gritsenko (maximgritsenko) wrote :

So, I've found this issue through a question on . It looks like I'm facing this bug and it makes GNOME basicly unusable for me.

The behaviour I've encountered is as follows:
* I have 2 input languages set: Korean (default one) and Russian. Korean language has English build in it, so I don't have add English to my system. Korean uses IBus for input (even in English mode).
* Hidden input fields across the system do not like IBus input languages. When I focus the hidden input (password field), the Korean is removed from the input language options, and I'm left only with Russian. And as my passwords are not in Russian, I cannot log in to anything. This includes password fields in browsers, WIFI connection dialog etc.
* If the password field has the "show password" button, I press it, and in this mode I can use Korean as normal.
* Even more frustraiting. I've added English input language just for passwords. Now when I set the focus on a password field, Korean is removed, so two languages are left: Russian and English. Since I don't usually use English, Russian is chosen. I press Ctrl+Space to change it to English. At this moment input language switching dialog is shown, which makes the focus leave the password field, Korean added to the list, and being chosen. Then the dialog disappears, password field is focused, Korean removed again and my active language is Russian again. It took me 5 minutes to log into Ubuntu One with GNOME (by typing my password in an open form in another field and copy-paste it).

Does anyone knows if there is any workaround for this?