Comment 39 for bug 445123

Revision history for this message
Andrew Pollock (apollock) wrote :

Corporate environments should be using a configuration management system. There is no requirement for a user interface for this in a corporate environment. It's not like a 10,000 desktop company is going to go around and manually adjust a radio button.

Here's approximately how we're doing it with Puppet:

define gconftool($key, $value, $type, $listtype="", $configsource="mandatory") {
  if $configsource == "mandatory" or $configsource == "defaults" {
    $cs = "xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.${configsource}"
  } else {
    $cs = $configsource
  exec { "gconftool-$name":
    path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
    command => $listtype ? {
      default => "gconftool --direct --config-source=$cs --type=$type --list-type=$listtype --set $key $value",
      "" => "gconftool --direct --config-source=$cs --type=$type --set $key $value",
    unless => "test $(gconftool --direct --config-source=$cs --get $key) = $value",

gconftool { "disable_GDM_login_history":
  key => "/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list",
  type => "bool",
  value => "true",
  configsource => "xml:readwrite:/var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory",