Comment 27 for bug 445123

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Matthew Lye (matthew.lye) wrote :

For an LTS version (aimed more at corporate environments) this bug issue is ridiculous, especially if the machine is centrally authenticated through AD or NDS. It would result in a list of EVERY valid login for the company being displayed.

Personally I develop SOE's that include a Ubuntu Linux environment and already have a beta build working where I have avoided this issue using gnome (registry) key settings to avoid the problem but that is not an option to everyone, and I would not expect everyone to be able to look into gconf-editor to find the right key to remove it.

Oh and FYI to remove the user list and make it a mandatory setting (so it is always hidden) should be:

sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconftool --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type boolean --set /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true