Comment 5 for bug 18728

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Trouilliez vincent (vincent-trouilliez-modulonet) wrote :

(In reply to comment #4)
> do you have any message if you run "gksudo gdmsetup" from a command line?

Huuu, well, I can't do any experiments right now... Breezy is too broken now. I
got X to start thanks to Daniel's fix yesterday, but I now have big problems
with the keyboard layout (most keys or key combinations don't behave as
expected, only lower case letters work properly), that the system is pretty much
unuseable, According to the error window I get when logging into Gnome, it has
to do with the X keyboard module. The mouse works fine though, so I can still
operate the update manager, hoping for an update that would fix the problem.
What worries me is that even when I start in 'recovery' mode, hence before X
starts, the keyboard layout does have little problems too. It is nowhere near as
bad as with X started, but for example I don't have accented characters, and I
can't even switch VT. Still, it's useable enough to type "apt-get dist-upgrade".