Comment 47 for bug 152648

Revision history for this message
ash (jonash99) wrote :

I noticed a similar problem using 8.04, when in a terminal and pushing a down arrow when at the bottom, or left when at the left edge of the characters.
I had recently installed a wacom tablet, and having had trouble with "pad" before decided to take this out of my xorg.conf
And it solved the issue, I don't know wheat the pad input does, am sure I can live without it

# Section "InputDevice"
# Driver "wacom"
# Identifier "pad"
# Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
# Option "Type" "pad"
# Option "USB" "on"
# EndSection


Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier "Default Layout"
  screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0
 Inputdevice "Generic Keyboard"
 Inputdevice "Configured Mouse"
 Inputdevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
 Inputdevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
 Inputdevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
   # Inputdevice "pad"