Comment 4 for bug 41788

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Richard Theil (richard-theil) wrote : Looks like a 4K page. Not good.

If you look at where the file is broken, you see what looks like some evolution config code in the middle of some screen setup. If you look at that with a hex editor, you see that the corruption occurs from about $45000 to precisely (!) $46000 in the file, which would be the VM page size of my machine (Athlon @ 1800MHz, crash free even under compiler load). Draw your conclusions...

I should note that I saw the cyclic fsck on boot reclaim something on the / partition the last time it ran. This should not happen with ext3 journaling enabled, right? (/dev/hda5 / ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0, /dev/hda7 /home ext3 rw 0 0)