Comment 2 for bug 336660

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Arnaldo Mandel (am-ime) wrote :

I just upgraded to Jauunty alpha6 from intrepid. The bug is new.

gnome-terminal opens fine from my user account. However
gksudo gnome-terminal
sudo gnome-terminal

end with just the line:

Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting.
(there was not even a linefeed at the end)

Tried the same with gedit, it came up.
Tried with tomboy (works normally from my account), it didn't come up, and produced a backtrace, attached.

This box is not an nfs client, so I suppose nfs locks are not to be looked for. As for orbit, I could not find any docs on how to enable networking for it.

dbus is on. From ps:

root 12572 1 0 17:38 pts/0 00:00:00 dbus-launch --autolaunch e1190ffd58d35b3da111b4f9495a54b1 --binary-syntax --close-stderr

Is it still a non-bug?