Comment 8 for bug 1872854

Revision history for this message
Otto Kekäläinen (otto) wrote :

Yes, it is a pain sometimes to track down those apt errors since apt does not automatically resolve those dependency chains and clearly print out which breaks/replace/provides/depends it chokes on.

However there is a testcase Dockerfile and the same file run on amd64 does not yield the issue.

The Travis-CI pipeline we were running was fine until around beginning of April which matches the upload time of gcc-10 to the ubuntu-toolchain-r/test PPA.

Note that since is by default enabled in Travis-CI and in official Bionic s390x images, they might also play some interaction here. But definitely everything worked in March and then in April CI that was running the same thing all of the time stopped working as described in this issue.

Right now I am working to upload separate gcc-7 and gcc-9 to custom PPA and use it instead of the toolchain test repo in the future (