Comment 8 for bug 910678

Revision history for this message
Mark Asbach (mark-asbach) wrote :

A quick fix for users not wanting to wait for an update or build gmond manually is to change the gmond.conf to not load the disks module.

Comment out the respective sections of /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf as follows:

  module {
    name = "cpu_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "disk_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "load_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"


collection_group {
  collect_every = 1800
  time_threshold = 3600
  metric {
    name = "disk_total"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Total Disk Space"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 40
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "disk_free"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Disk Space Available"
  metric {
    name = "part_max_used"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Maximum Disk Space Used"
