Comment 1 for bug 431220

Revision history for this message
Dev Mohanty (devm-nepalwireless) wrote :


Feedback regarding compiling v 1.26.1:

Since ./configure is not fully supported, had to install Cmake, which was missing,

* I also noticed Cmakelist checks for Bluez, then any running bluetooth module/ libbluetooth-dev and if none are detected it builds without bluetooth support enabled. Well in my case I have rebuilt my kernel with bluetooth harcoded in it so that no module support is required. But Cmake seems to overlook that.

Required me to install libbluetooth-dev for all parameters to be met and make test showed all (100%) tests passed (754 in all). Though what was weird was .gammurc config file never got created and had to create one manually as the builtin drivers didn't didn't detect my phone.

Here's a copy of .gammurc that worked.

port = 00:1D:3B:32:30:AB
model = 6111
Connection = bluephonet
synchronizetime = yes
logfile = gammulog
logformat = textall
use_locking = yes
gammuloc = locfile
startinfo = yes
gammucoding = utf8