Comment 0 for bug 1853830

Revision history for this message
Martin Wimpress  (flexiondotorg) wrote : [MIR] gamemode


Builds on amd64 only in Ubuntu and syncs from Debian. GameMode was designed primarily as a solution to the Intel and AMD CPU powersave or ondemand governors, and intended for gaming; hence why it is amd64 only.


We would like to enable GameMode as it allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS and improve gaming performance.


No CVE/known security issue. GameMode includes a daemon that modifies the CPU governors and GPU clock state.

[Quality assurance]

- The desktop-packages team is subscribed to the package
- 2 bugs in Debian BTS which are being investigated. None in LP.
- The package is actively maintained in Debian and in sync in Ubuntu.
- No test suite, but difficult to integrate with autopkgtest due to hardware requirements.


All the Depends: are currently in main. There are no Recommends:

- init-system-helpers (>= 1.52)
- libc6 (>= 2.27)
- libsystemd0 (>= 221)
- libdbus-1-3 (>= 1.9.14)

[Standards compliance]

The package is using current (dh12) standards, the standards-version is 4.4.0, the package is in sync from Debian.


Upstream is active and the desktop team is going to look after the package in Ubuntu.