Comment 1 for bug 221380

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

This advice based on galculator in Ubuntu 8.04.

== Display tab ==

Clue: The interface says "font" three times and "color" five times, suggesting poor layout or choice of controls. Underlying fault: Two attributes (font and color) for multiple things (e.g. Background, RPN stack) are presented in one column of controls. Solution: Use two columns.

         Background: [@@]
             Result: [%%] [Sans Bold 26 ]
          RPN stack: [%%] [Sans Bold 11 ]
      Active module: [%%] [Sans Bold 9 ]
    Inactive module: [::]

While you're there: "Modules Visibility" is gibberish. What does it mean?

== Buttons tab ==

For me this tab fits easily into 640x480 -- apart from the "Close" button, and that's off-screen because of the "Buttons" and "Constants" tabs, not because of this tab. If it's broken in a version newer than, please attach a screenshot.

== Constants tab ==

Clue: A set of form fields for adding a new row to a table. Underlying flaw: The table isn't directly editable. Solution: Make the table cells editable, like a spreadsheet. Then all you need is "+" and "-" buttons at the left under the table, for adding/removing rows in the table. Pressing Enter is equivalent to "Update".


While you're there: Don't call me "User", it's rude. The "User defined constants" heading adds nothing to what the tab already says, so remove it, and de-indent the rest of the tab contents.

== Functions tab ==

Same as for Constants tab.

== General tab ==

For me this tab fits easily into 640x480. If it's broken in a version newer than, please attach a screenshot.