Comment 39 for bug 182927

Revision history for this message
Eric L. (ericl) wrote :

@Radek: thanks for the feedback.

Here for the resolution:

The problem was with libjibx-java being version 1.1.x under Ubuntu J, K & L (instead of 1.0.x under Debian, and former versions of Ubuntu). For these distributions, please use the repository:

    deb ubuntu/

I didn't test explicitly with Ubuntu, but it should work... As always, let me know if not.

Side note: I don't have a key for my repositories, it's mostly a reason of lazyness, if someone shows me a simple HOWTO, I'll do my best to fix this... :-^

@Tim: regarding integration within Gnome, do you see an improvement after having called "sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime", after installation of the current packages?
