Comment 3 for bug 594827

Revision history for this message
Jamie Jamison (jamie-jamison) wrote :

I had problems with the freeipmi-bmc-watchdog.

1) The configuration file in /etc/default was incorrectly named. The init script in /etc/init.d/ looks for a file named 'freeipmi-bmc-watchdog' but the installed configuration file is named 'bmc-watchdog'. This can be fixed either by symbolically linking the /etc/default/freeipmi-bmc-watchdog file to /etc/default/bmc-watchdog or by renaming the file to 'bmc-watchdog'. Since the daemon binary is '/usr/sbin/bmc-watchdog' I chose the latter.

2) The script in /etc/logrotate.d is incorrect. There is no 'condrestart' option to the bmc-watchdog script.

3) The /etc/init.d/bmc-watchdog script has other bugs. '/etc/init.d/bmc-watchdog restart' stops the daemon but does not restart it. Robert's modified script fixes this. Another way to fix this is to start bmc-watchdog via upstart. Attached is an init file I wrote for bmc-watchdog, bmc-watchdog.conf. Install the file in /etc/init, remove '/etc/init.d/bmc-watchdog' and then link '/etc/init.d/bmc-watchdog' to '/lib/init/upstart-job'. I've tested the script with start, stop, reload and restart commands and have also tested it by killing a running bmc-watchdog daemon and making sure that upstart respawns it.