Comment 5 for bug 374604

Revision history for this message
asbokid (ballymunboy) wrote : kindly posted the German language version of the Dell 3110CN ppd file

For those requiring it in another language (e.g. English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, etc..),

Download and unzip the latest Windows driver from here: (It is an expanding EXE file)

This seems to be the current latest Windows driver executable:

# wget

# unzip DELL_COLOR-LASER-3110CN_A06_R243916.exe
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Danish/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Dutch/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/English/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/French/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/German/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Italian/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Japanese/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Norwegian/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/SimplifiedChinese/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Spanish/dl3110cn.pp_
 extracting: Win_x32/PS/Swedish/dl3110cn.pp_

These are all Windows cabinet files, so install the cab extract utility

# sudo apt-get install cabextract

# cabextract Win_x32/PS/English/dl3110cn.pp_

Extracting cabinet: Win_x32/PS/English/dl3110cn.pp_
  extracting dl3110cn.ppd

All done, no errors.

Now we can install the Dell 3110cn ppd file via the CUPS web UI.

cheers, a

P.S. The English language ppd for the Dell 3110cn is attached.

-rw-r--r-- 1 asbokid asbokid 133681 Mar 8 2006 dl3110cn.ppd