Comment 77 for bug 650498

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Bruno Maag (bruno-daltonmaag) wrote : Re: Expansion: 'ẞ' LATIN CAPTIAL LETTER SHARP S (U+1E9E)

Gerhard: I am well aware of how the eszett is applied and how the preceding vowel is pronounced. I had to learn the eszett rule, and its many exceptions for four years, one hour a week as part of my training as a typesetter thirty years ago. I understand that the meaning of the word changes dramatically depending on pronunciation. However, in your example one is a noun (Floß), the other a verb. I put it to you that no-one would really have any problems differentiating the two. The same goes for 'Maße' and 'Masse' - one in plural, the other in singular. Don't forget that we do read in context. Anyway, although I haven't changed my opinion on the relevance of the ß, I accept that I can't change the habits of two entire nations. :-)

Thorsten: I agree that we have to create a glyph that has relevance to what two nations are used to, rightly or wrongly. However, I believe that within these parameters we have a duty to create a form that is in harmony with all the letter surrounding it. In fact, that is the primary challange of typeface design, to make sure all the glyphs work together in whatever combination. Of course, we also have to accept that there will be situations that simply cannot be created in the most perfect way - for these we have to step back and compromise.

Dalton Maag has indeed been commissioned by Canonical to create this suite of fonts but that does not mean that we have to blindly follow what we are told is the best solution. I personally, have 30 years of typography and type design experience, my senior colleague Ron Carpenter has created letterforms for over 40 years. We know our stuff and it is my professional duty, as a designer, to explore the best possible outcome for the design. And if that involves investigating solutions that are unacceptable, so be it. But the investigation has to be done, in any case. To suggest that we do the experimentation on our own dime and simply provide the mediocre accepted form is, IMO, deeply unprofessional. I have started to sketch and have gone through a number of designs. From this initial research I can tell you that the end result is unlikely to differ radically from the the forms that have been discussed.