Comment 13 for bug 1430339

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :


> As you may know, I usually remain with the LTS releases and only run the development release from time to time. As such, I hope the fix for this ticket will be backported to trusty as well.

If this fix lands into vivid successfully and no regression reported in vivid, we can consider to backport it to trusty as well. However I'm under the impression that this Ryumin thing is not so critical.

> Furthermore, my system is mainly English-based. I hope you won't mind me adding my own experiences here.
> I can basically confirm your findings, except that my US-locale returns a different font.
> $ env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 fc-match Ryumin
> ipamp.ttf: "IPAPMincho" "Regular"
> $ env LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8 fc-match Ryumin
> fonts-japanese-gothic.ttf: "Takao Pゴシック" "Regular"

My patch fixes this behavior, the result for Ryumin will be always the same in all locales.

> I tried the test PDF in different viewers and noticed there were some alignment issues in the viewer built into Firefox (please refer to my screenshot). I suspect that is another, separate issue?

Yes, that's separate issue in Mozilla's pdf.js I think. The PDF I attached is rather complicated, I think it's natural rendering is broken in some viewers.

> One of the things I sometimes notice is that Chinese at times seems to have precedence over Japanese. For someone like me, that is unfortunate. Are you aware of a list of known issues or some website to check if one's configuration has any errors? This area of Ubuntu seems to change from release to release so it is hard to keep up (with a lot of improvement being made, at least that has been my experience). I do not know as much as you do, so at best, I will notice the effects but I would be utterly unable to dig into the causes. That's why your work is so much appreciated.

> You titled the ticket " fc-match Ryumin should return Mincho(serif) font in ja locale". That name is so obviously Japanese that I wonder why the returned value should be locale-specific. From the superficial information I have it seems that optimizations for Japanese are sometimes only made only for Japanese locale, leaving people like me who only display and write Japanese in a non-Japanese locale out in the rain. I understand that sometimes this might have to do with political sensitivities and the power of numbers.

Nowadays Ubuntu switches font substitutions by locales. For example, `fc-match serif` returns "DejaVu Serif" for most locales, "TakaoPMincho" for ja locale. You can specify per-user font locale settings(actually it's LC_CTYPE) in ~/.pam_environment or ~/.profile.

Can you please put "LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8" in your ~/.pam_environment, re-login and see how it works?