Comment 6 for bug 1575555

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Dhoulmagus (jiongrious) wrote :

ubuntu Mate 16.04 here. What is worse is that fonts-noto-cjk is a dependency of ubuntu-mate-core and ubuntu-mate-desktop and purging fonts-noto-cjk will also purge ubuntu-mate-core and installing back ubuntu-mate-core will also installing back fonts-noto-cjk.

My current settings in Chrome in this ubuntu Mate 16.04 is, in Customize fonts... -> Advanced Font Settings, set Latin to use "Noto sans" for sans-serif, "Noto serif" for serif, "Noto Mono" for fixed-width, and set Simplified Han to use "Noto Sans CJK SC" for serif and sans-serif, "Noto Sans Mono CJK SC" for fixed-width, and similarly for Traditional Han and Japanese. This works beautifully in pages that explicitly set lang="ja" or lang="zh" or similar in HTML, e.g. Wikipedia. But in pages that not explicitly set lang="??" (for example,, it will render those Simplified Chinese characters using "Noto Sans CJK JP Thin". The expected behaviour is to render them using "Noto Sans CJK SC Regular". Why JP and why Thin? And this actually happens on every pages that does not explicitly set lang="??"(Yes, it will also use "Noto Sans CJK JP THIN" to render a full-of-Japanese page that does not explicitly set lang="ja")

I don't know who causes this bug...But googled for a while and looks like that Chrome ignores system fontconfig, so I guess it may be a bug of font configuration/fallback mechanism inside Chrome...