Comment 0 for bug 1351092

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Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) wrote :

There are currently several open issues related to the use of Droid Sans Fallback for rendering Chinese content:

* Two mixed fonts when rendering Chinese in KDE/QT apps with Droid
  Sans fonts

* Droid Sans no longer preferred font for Chinese

* Chinese in Ubuntu Touch should use Heiti style sans serif font

Unlike e.g. fonts-wqy-microhei, the fonts-droid package installs a bunch of fonts, of which only one is needed for Chinese. In an attempt to sort things out I have built the fonts-android source package in my PPA with the DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf font broken out to a separate binary package named fonts-droid-cjk. The PPA also includes a version of language-selector where the changes in version 0.129.2 have been reverted.

To test it in Trusty, you should:

* Uninstall the fonts-droid package

* Install fonts-droid-cjk and language-selector-common from my PPA

My own tests indicate that the change to language-selector due to bug #1335482 was a step in the wrong direction. With DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf as the only installed font from the Droid Sans family, you get rid of possible confusion that might have resulted in the issue reported in that bug.

$ LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 fc-match -s 'sans-serif' | head -n 5
DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf: "Droid Sans Fallback" "Regular"
uming.ttc: "AR PL UMing CN" "Light"
uming.ttc: "AR PL UMing HK" "Light"
ukai.ttc: "AR PL UKai CN" "Book"
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

Also, if we would take this route, it might be easier to fix a configuration that makes Droid Sans Fallback work well with qt apps. (This is pure theory/hope so far.)

Looking forward to your comments.