Comment 0 for bug 303818

Revision history for this message
RFW (frogbarf) wrote :

Fontforge version (from help>about): 02:03 GMT 10-Nov-2007 (20071110)
From apt-cache policy fontforge: 0.0.20071110-1build2

Ubuntu version: 8.04.1
Kernel Linux 2.6.24-21-generic
Gnome 2.22.3
Memory 2.0 GB

Viewing a font when first opened, pixel outline size (under View menu) 24 pixels, anti-aliasing on. Scroll down by clicking the right-hand scroll bar; on the 15th click, Fontforge instantly closes.

With 48 pixel outline size, this closure occurs on the 44th click of the scroll bar. (Haven't tested this exhaustively)

This happens:

1. whether a charcter is highlighted or not
2. with both .ttf and .otf fonts from disparate sources

If you scroll via View>Go to, specifying a character name, a Unicode point (i.e. U+2077), or a Unicode block name (i.e. Georgian or Georgian Supplement), Fontforge scrolls correctly without exiting.

This sudden closure does not leave a sleeping or zombie process.