Comment 4 for bug 741813

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

The theory here was that the two groups would be used independently:

  * The old, simple naming. (A base name, and effectively two flags, one for Bold, one for Italic)
  * The new, detailed naming. (Base Family, weights, obliqueness angles, full-text subnames ... the full works)

I think the situation we're getting into with (something in) the stack that Inkscape and/or GNOME are using is that data from both sets is being used. So probably the Bold "flag" is being seen on both of the fonts and therefore the second being discarded. The actual raw FontConfig data:

  $ fc-list | grep Ubuntu | grep -v Mono
  Ubuntu,Ubuntu Light:style=Light,Regular
  Ubuntu:style=Bold Italic
  Ubuntu,Ubuntu Light:style=Medium Italic,Bold Italic
  Ubuntu,Ubuntu Light:style=Light Italic,Italic
  Ubuntu,Ubuntu Light:style=Medium,Bold