Comment 10 for bug 327757

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Peter Hendrickson (pdh-wiredyne) wrote :

My Evince also claims to be displaying "Courier, Type 1, Not Embedded", but we get different results. What I'm really asking is if there's a way to figure out which actual font is being used to represent "Courier." Specifically, which file is being read for its font information.

I've looked into this enough to know that basically Evince is using Poppler which uses Fontconfig to find an appropriate font. Fontconfig doesn't come up with a vanilla Courier, it comes up with another typeface which looks like Courier. If you look at the files in /etc/fonts you can see the mappings. Also, there is an attachment to this bug called 'fc-match --verbose output for "Courier"' which shows what Fontconfig is choosing on my system.

What's strange is that Fontconfig seems to do the right thing. "Nimbus Mono L", "Regular" should look good and also be correct. Possibly Evince is getting the right font from Poppler/Fontconfig and deciding to make it oblique and bold. I don't know and I don't know how to determine what Evince is doing.

May I suggest raising the priority of this bug? I realize it may not be as exciting as file system corruption, but it is highly visible. *Possibly* there's something funny about my system, but as far as I know I'm running fully up to date stock Ubuntu 8.04LTS. That means this bug probably occurs often.

It's also just the kind of thing that makes a Windows user think they should keep using Windows. That example is not hypothetical.