1. Starta a Terminal window.
2. Type: cd /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/
3. Type: sudo mv npviewer.bin npviewer.bin.real
4. Type: sudo pico npviewer.bin
5. Add these two lines of text to the file, i.e. Pico:
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin.real $*
6. Press "Ctrl+x" to exit and save.
7. Type: sudo chmod 755 npviewer.bin
Done! Now enjoy the full splendor of flash-clicking!
Edwards fix for Linux noobs (like me...)
1. Starta a Terminal window. nspluginwrapper /i386/linux/ WINDOWS= true /usr/lib/ nspluginwrapper /i386/linux/ npviewer. bin.real $*
2. Type: cd /usr/lib/
3. Type: sudo mv npviewer.bin npviewer.bin.real
4. Type: sudo pico npviewer.bin
5. Add these two lines of text to the file, i.e. Pico:
6. Press "Ctrl+x" to exit and save.
7. Type: sudo chmod 755 npviewer.bin
Done! Now enjoy the full splendor of flash-clicking!