Comment 0 for bug 376815

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Rizwan Rafique (r-rafique) wrote :

Ubuntu: Jaunty (KDE and gnome both have the issue)
Package: flashplugin-nonfree (
Browser: Firefox 3.0.10 (currently)
Graphics card: nVidia 7800 GTX
Graphics driver: nvidia -glx-180 (180.44-0ubuntu1)
Other information: dual-head using nvidia's control panel (meaning no xrandr etc)

I have been having this issue with flash for a while (since atleast Hardy). My youtube videos don't go fullscreen. All other flash-video based sites I've checked work fine.

What exactly happens: Fullscreen opens but actual video size is just slightly bigger than the original in the middle on the full screen and rest of the screen around it is black.

Also, this has been checked with opensource flash plugin for mozilla and it works. But that one is flickery on full screen for all flash vids. flashplugin-nonfree however is flawless for all other sites checked except youtube. Not sure why is that. May be some special script youtube uses or something else.

If more information is needed please let me know.