Comment 642 for bug 263435

Revision history for this message
In , Bugzilla-kennel17 (bugzilla-kennel17) wrote :

My understanding of the problem (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) is that currently Firefox loads the plugin in a separate process and therefore has *no control* over how it handles keyboard events.

In other words, when a plugin has the focus, the chain of events is as follows:


and not


Therefore to fix this, the way plugins work needs to be re-engineered so that Firefox sits in the chain. From my reading, this is the hard bit that is stopping this bug being fixed. Once that has been resolved, it will be trivial for Firefox to filter which keys get passed to the plugin, and we can have a nice bit of bike-shedding to decide on the details.

As far as I can see (and again, I may be wrong) the Advanced Key Handling document is an attempt to get plugin vendors to respect certain key combinations as 'browser reserved' and therefore to ignore them, passing them back to Firefox, which would result in the following chain:


However, I agree with previous comments that this is a non-starter.